18-02-2022, 04:39 PM
when you go out to explore the universe What kind of music should you listen to?
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The answer is very personal to the astronauts, the culture and perhaps even the decade they flew — but what is true of any age is that there is. There are many great space songs. Some even play in space, like NASA's wake-up song list for astronauts.
or a playlist from the Voyager Golden Record mission that eventually left our solar system. It's harder to choose a favorite song and harder to create a recommendation list, but we've done our best. In 2011, Space.com employees offered us a couple of favorites.
And now we've updated our list of the top picks for 2020. Below we've also added a large table with space music over the decades. based on our researchA couple of caveats here. Our staff are North American and European. So we stick with English songs or instrumental music to avoid cultural blunders. But we welcome your suggestions on international music in the forums.